
Showing posts from April, 2021


 Everyone wants to live on top of the mountains but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it. DAY 4- THE SUMMIT DAY / DAY OF CELEBRATION Finally the summit day comes , the most awaited day of our trek .It was that time when literally all that we had seen and heard is all that we would be experiencing and our spirts where super high. PROTOCOL FOR THE DAY WAS 1:30 A.M - WAKE UP CALL/TEA 2:30 A.M BREAKFAST 3:00 A.M WE START OUR TREK TO REACH THE SUMMIT POINT FOR SUNRISE Its freezing out with temperatures as low as -10*c .Waking up from our tents and going out was terrifying as well as exciting .Its so weird at times when we feel two totally contrasting emotions one where we are comfortable and one where we want to get uncomfortable and its in this transitions that we experience the growth within ourselves. It was also our D-DAY  yes its 16th February 2021 and its our 11th anniversary. One of the most beautiful days of our lives and we spent that day in the mo...


And into the mountains i go to lose my mind and find my soul. living the rugged life Waking up in tents by the mountains and snow all around is not just a dream come true but an experience that's totally a must try for all the adventure seekers, because its not so cozy as it looks , it is freaking awesome and makes you push your levels of boundaries. so the protocol for day 2 is 7 am wake up call with tea 8 am breakfast with a view 9 am off to our next mesmerising stop that is kedarkantha base camp evening a little acclimatize walk and  later the best sunset view that blows your minds off. Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb , and its in this mystery that we find ourselves. We were at a bit better space from where we had started , soaking in all the sun that we could , trying to live the mountain life...even the smallest things like a hot cup of tea is all that we need to recharge and refuel our bodies and soul in a pla...